Motivation in Second language Learning : Kinds and Factors
Dear Students Greetings!! Read the following before you attend the class today; Motivation in Language Learning: Kinds and Factors Motivation is important for completing any task. The success or failure of a task depends on motivational factors. Research shows that motivation plays a great role in mastering a foreign language. Gardner says that the desire to learn a language and the attitudes one has will help to develop a language. Motivation is of four kinds. Dornyei defines that motivation is of two kinds – ‘ intrinsic ’ and ‘ extrinsic ’. Intrinsic motivation refers to the enjoyable conditions in achieving an action. Extrinsic motivation refers to the external conditions that help in achieving a target, i.e., offering a reward or avoiding a punishment. These two are interdependent. Brown and Gardner explained motivation as ‘ instrumental ’ and ‘integrative’ motivation. If we acquire a language to get a job or to understand a b...
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