
Showing posts from December, 2018

Analysis of a Poem

Analysis of a Poem: Dear students in our previous class we discussed how poetry was divided into different kinds. We also observed the varieties like lyric,elegy etc., In today's blog post we are going to observe how we can approach a poem for an analytical study.  Follow this link read the article and make notes. Once you complete your observations we can discuss it. I know you will enjoy reading this. Best Dr. Vijay
This post teaches you the different aspects of  'Organising Group Work in the classroom'. Recollect how your teacher conducts 'group work' in classes and how he /she monitors the whole class. Think about the different steps followed. Are there any advantages? Are there any problems from teacher's side or from your side as a learner?  List them out and compare with the handout given below: GROUP WORK ORGANIZATION from A Course in Language Teaching by Penny Ur Group Work   In group work, learners perform a learning task through small-group interaction.   It is a form of learner activation that is of particular value in the practice of oral fluency:   learners in a class that is divided into five groups get five times as many opportunities to talk as in full-class organization.   It also has other advantages: it fosters learner responsibility and independence, can improve motivation and contribute to a feeling of coop...
DEAR STUDENTS YOU WORK IN PAIRS AND GROUPS EVERYDAY IN THE CLASS. CLOSE YOUR EYES AND TRY TO THINK OF TWO OR THREE ADVANTAGES OF WORKING IN PAIRS! JOT DOWN THE LIST AND COMPARE THE IDEAS WITH THE FOLLOWING: ADVANTAGES OF PAIR WORK                                                   from A Framework for Task-Based Learning by Jane Willis             From the learner’s position, doing a task in pairs or groups has a number of advantages. Bearing them in mind will also guide you in your role as facilitator of learning. ·            It gives learners confidence to try out whatever language they know, or think they know...
Good morning. Based on your interaction in the class about Communicative Language Teaching answer the following questions: 1. What is CLT? Explain in your own words. 2. What is the role of the teacher in CLT? 3. How is teaching carried out in this method? 4. What is the role of the learner? 5. What is meant by SCM? Post your answers with your name and roll.number in the comments box.  Best wishes
Dear students Greetings Watch this Video and answer the questions that follow: 1. What is a 'genre'? 2. How many genres are there in literature? What are they? 3. What do you understand about 'poetry'? 4. Based on your class experience, what do you understand about the term 'literature'? Also watch this video for a broader understanding and let us discuss in the class: