
Showing posts from November, 2018
Dear Students I am providing some links for your textbooks. Plz read the first chapters before you attend the classes. 1. An Introduction to the Study of Literature: 2. An Outline History of English Literature: 3. A Glossary of Literary Terms: 4. Research Methodology You can refer to these books any time by following these links.  Good Luck!
Welcome to VI Semester Communicative English Class! Hi students. Welcome to VI semester! This semester is different from other semesters because this semester offers you a Cluster - a group of courses that will help you specialise a particular area. We are offering an elective course and a cluster based on your interests. Here is the curriculum and Assessment procedure:  Our next blog post will give you links to various learning resources. Keep Reading and post your doubts or suggestions. Best Wishes, Dr.Vijaya Babu,Koganti